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Statement regarding the EP plenary session. 16.4.2020

We, elected Members of the European Parliament, representatives of the European people in distress, applaud your efforts to maintain the functioning of the European Parliament. We stay at home, stand in solidarity and strive to fulfill our duties to European citizens. Since our last plenary over 50,000 European citizens have died and hundreds of thousands, probably millions, more are battling for their lives. So far,  Member State governments, despite their best efforts, have been unable to provide an adequate response to the health crisis. Since our last plenary the European Union has lost an estimated 5% of its GDP and millions of European citizens are expected to lose their jobs and suffer economic deprivation. So far, Member State governments, despite their best efforts, have failed to agree to an adequate response to the economic crisis. As we sit in our plenary we must be true to your words, in opening our last plenary, " democracy cannot be suspended in the midst of such a dramatic crisis. As legislators, we have the means, the possibility, and the duty to help." We, elected Members of the European Parliament, representatives of the European people in distress, support you in demanding that our voice be formally included in the core decision making process of crisis and recovery response. We must find strength in our founding values and unite in true solidarity, a solidarity of action and not only words, unite in demanding radical restructuring using the Green Deal as the roadmap to a just and well managed transition to a resilient and sustainable society. We must demand a Marshal MFF true to its name, create EU own resources and use them to guarantee EU recovery bonds to finance this new social contract. This is the moment to prove that we mean to leave no one behind.


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